This is an extremely rewarding project, AND one day I hope to write a bit of a review on what we're doing. That's going to have to wait until I tie it all together... In the mean time. Have a look at some of the bits and pieces we're working on... and/or improving...
Start with the Statue Ceremony, updated with pics... Then go to the Sandbox. We're about to send the kids off on a Road Show so, follow the ghost. We're getting the conversation started then taking the pulse, again and again and again. Obviously, we're not after any design awards... We just want to get Canadian's talking about their heritage!
Trust me, this ALL ties together. In the end (hopefully long before then, in a few days)... I'll be able to show you how this thingy, is it a festival? ...a series of events? ...a multilayered happening??? - Trust me, it all fits together like a finely jigged jig saw puzzle (I think) :)