How this site works, (because I have no interest in making this easy for the folks who have lost the ability to pay attention, I feel the need to explain) what to expect... You have reached a page that has been listed with a status of [BO] • What you will find on suchly designated pages are simply sketches, my notes... half realized full blown comments on __________, this here notion.
Basically this site is my note book... A MESS? Certainly • But I am hoping that you'll find a nugget of interest; Something that perhaps will spur a desire in you to contact me; and get the ball rolling on YOUR project, perhaps? ...for now... it's all just [BS]&[BO] ...enjoy (and do comment, please) WARNING: AS OF JUNE 13th, 2013: What this is all about has become seriously out of date...
(I will remove this notice once I update this page) It's quite likely I've made six or seven attempts to maintain a blog... this is not another attempt. So, what is this? This is simply a series of projects... planned with the intent to reclaim, collect, re-assemble and re-present little bits and pieces of my career here on these internets. In a little over a very few months from now it will be 25 years I've been working AND living on this damned thing.
I think it's beyond hope that this site will make any sense of all of this; but perhaps, just maybe it will help me to present some of my random thoughts on what's worked, what's working and what might work... I have strong opinions; none are fixed. If you are looking for day to day ruminations, another endless daily stream of thoughts and opinions on issues related to social media; my businesses in a more "bloggish" as it happens format; I suggest you pop over to my Facebook page(s), or follow me on Twitter or Pnterest or Tumblr or... some such thing as they come and go...
The reason I've never managed to maintain a blog? Blogging requires one have an endless sequential interest in one specific topic. Topping them up daily, weekly even monthly simply becomes a chore for each the writer and potential reader. Rather than an opportunity to opine about something you are VERY passionate about, one quickly tires and becomes weary about these things he adores.
So, with that in mind, rather than feed up a steady stream of ideas about this or that, the format here is more sketchy. The idea, toss a "project" up to the site; get some quick thinking down and get it started to the point where it makes just enough sense; then finish it as time, curiosity and continuing interest allows. I'll post a link to projects started AND finished projects on Facebook. For those few of you who are seriously really interested, leave your name in one of the comment boxes. I will put you on my mailing list, AND keep you up to date via email for as long as... you let me. Critiques and comments are most welcome... Please, go gently, my writing remains amateurish, my spelling remains atrocious... and really, I hung up the "designer/developer" title round about 1989. So, here it is at then... keep coming back. - And as always and of course, you can always find my litter of opinions all over the place; some place more often than others as, there is only 37 hours in a day after all. view in portrait mode for optimal enjoyment...![]() Below is an introduction to the basic format, the three MAIN sections and themes, the layout. A site map of sorts. That siad if all goes according to plan; I'll have you lost in here almost instantly.
WARNING: this is an ACTIVE project: these are my opinions they are always on the go(go), and always changing...
pending projects: the future exciting site map
Oh sure, there is a lot of work to be done here... This is the current site map... Projects include:
A new list of projects coming soon; for now I'm going to focus on finishing up the first round. After all, I owe it to you if you actually got this far and are reading this little note down here on this last, ABOUT page...
Strictly for posterity... this is how it all started somewhere on or around the 2nd or 3rd of October, 2012.
random notes with regards to updates for no particular rhyme or reason at all...
October 6th, 2012...
I think the focus will likely be on the good people I've met, worked with and lived with over the years; I mean after all... that IS the best part. I have been absolutely blessed, honoured and am very thankful for the friends I have made while working... playing and generally carrying on. IF you find yourself here, thank you for the times we have spent together. If you do not find yourself here, use one of the contact forms I'll leave scattered around to... say HELLO! WORK - I'm going to try to reconstruct as much of this as I can; I've done a boat load. PROJECTS - |
October 20th, 2012...
...a huge chunk of work done on this today. Good thing as I have a shit load of work to do on other projects tomorrow and over the next few weeks... |
...parking these logo images here for use in other places
Privacy Policy in the works: For now, simply, I will NOT bombard you with email & I will NOT share your information with anyone. If you were to grow tired of this and the things I may send you, and I really cannot imagine why, I will take you OFF my list.