Songs that got stuck in my head while driving around n around
n around again and again...
n around again and again...
THE MISSION?... BE OF GOOD SERVICE & MAKE THE MOST OF IT... After almost thirty years of chasing different objectives, I find myself happy to find myself behind the wheel of a large automobile... I am now a taxi driver in the city of Kingston, and quite honestly, loving it. Obviously, I've not tossed out the idea of one day returning to tweets n' tweedling away for other folks... who knows what lands on one's place when they least expect it. In the meantime, making the most of it as always. Keeping track of it and seeing what comes of it...
THE DAYS DRIVING FOR AMEYs CAME TO AN ABRUPT END (there is a story, coming soon)... All in all I drove 314 times over about 16 months averaging 20 drives/months... on average lasted 10.2 hours/day.
I went for a drive around n' around in a town...
...over the course of this illustrious career, I picked up 7,243 fares. The average length of each trip was about 4.1 KM and put $10.30 per trip on the meter . Figure out 40% of that plus an average of $1.50 tip per trip and...
We drove a total of 57,844 KM at an average of $1.29/KM (on the meter)
In total, put $74,611 on the meter, of which I took $21,119. ADD $10,841 in tips and... meh did OK... (I would give you the hourly but, that's a bit ugly). Let's just say... I don't count every hour I spent in the car as an hour working...