Just as entertainment industry is now locked in it's decades long and agonizing rebirth, and has long lost its grip over production and distribution... what makes the news industry believe it can maintain its hold over our airwaves, Facebook or Twitter feeds let alone maintain editorial control in this post-blog-o-sphere world? The "newsies" now finds themselves either colluding with their subjects or pathetically griping over lost market share to the plethora of all our other new news sources.
In this delusional state "the press" lays licking the wounds it can no longer admit are, nor even perceive as fatal.
C'mon you good people of these inner-nets of ours. There has to be a business model, No? Perhaps these ancient old mastheads simply become the new news verification service; maybe they simply provide us a rubbery-stamp of validity, perhaps even just help us paint this din of opinion in colors that help us mix 'n match our favorite flavors to compliment the mad choices in our morning bean.
Of course this would not allow for the billion-dollar publishing houses NOR the rock-star journalist (sorry Wolf Anderson)... but maybe, just maybe there is a business model out there that can help stitch this together and aid in our cutting through the crap and put a few pennies into the pockets of the last of the very few people who, thankfully, are still out there and ready to give us "the story" - at least their sound interpretation of it.