...dig a little deeper
Recruiters roundly dislike my "profile-pic(ish)" head shot (above) - and, honestly, it doesn't do much for me either... So, choose the one you prefer from the collection (below)...
...of course, there's always the one below if you're at all interested to see how I might appear when asked to show up for a meeting, or solve a crime on British Television in the 1960s.
...straight up resuméGordon Gower
647-920-5445 • [email protected] OBJECTIVE: to create successful & profitable digital, social enterprise. PROFILE
RELEVANT EXPERIENCE & ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2011 to present • GoGo (at work), Canada Social Media Consultant Internet business consultant focussing on business planning, social marketing and revenue generation. Current projects include a health oriented e-commerce social platform, crowd funded environmental initiative
2005-11 • Geneva Lab USA, New York City Director of North American Operations First in, founding director; launched and developed sales and marketing processes for a global consumer electronics brand, audio. Implemented fulfillment, customer service systems managing all channels from factory floor to the customers living room.
1999-00 • Internet Sports Network, SportsRocket, Let’s Play, Toronto, NYC Director of Partner Relationships Sponsor and advertising driven internet games and fantasy sports. Managed and negotiated relationships with key advertisers.
1987-96 • Mackerel Interactive, Toronto Founding Partner, President, CEO At the “bleeding edge” of digital media; Mackerel leapt to a leadership position in interactive content development and digital marketing. Recognized across North America as a creative powerhouse in a growing industry, Mackerel joined with Owl Communications to form a multiple media development studio while maintaining its position as a leading digital marketing firm.
SUMMARY Veteran* social media & online marketing professional; a business strategist with a boat-load of energy & enthusiasm. With over 20 years experience, I have demonstrated success in implementing innovative ideas from start-up through to large-scale projects for established Fortune 500 companies. Equipped with comprehensive idea-generation and problem solving skills with experience in a wide variety of markets. Specialties
“...Gordon was driving sales through social media before most people had even created their own Facebook profiles.” • George Emerson, we worked together at Geneva Lab & Internet Sports Network “Gordon was a director who seemed to always be thinking ahead." • James Anderson, we worked together at Internet Sports Network “Gordon is an open, honest and forward-thinking leader." • Diana Galligan, we worked together at Mackerel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *vet·er·an - [vet-er-uhn, ve-truhn]; noun: 1. a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like: a veteran of online communications; a veteran of many campaigns. 2. a warrior who has served in battle Synonyms: adept, disciplined, exercised, expert, inured, knows one's stuff, long-serving, not born yesterday, practical, practiced, pro, proficient, skilled, sophisticated, steady, trained, up to speed, versed, wise Origin: 1495–1505: Latin veterānus - mature, experienced |