"You got to get to 10,000 followers :)"
-signed (txt'ed) from a trusted, supremely talented and accomplished business man; a mentor and life long friend of mine.
Anxiety? How could a number-junkie excel-addict not be anxious over… his number?
So, you see… regardless of how well intended we are in expressing this, "it's all about engagement", the importance, our K-redability et al appears to be established almost solely by, that damned NUMBER. It would seem even the brightest among us eventually easy-out and focus on that one damned NUMBER, how many? How many friends does he have; how many connections. How many likes has he collected, how many followers… It's the easy damned NUMBER, the number that's not all that easy to achieve now that billions are seeking it.
For sure… I could simply go out and buy 5, 10, 15… 30,000 Russians and simply to put a big fat (K=1,000 times X) in my followers count. It wouldn't even be cheating, might have an upside, but it would be completely counter to the spirit of my mantra, "it's simple, not easy". You see, I hold the word "simple" far too dearly to waste it trying to make something, easier. Slog-on and enjoy, the slog I say.
By way of a quick and dastardly, backhanded aside; funny how nature dictates the loudest of those touting "its all about the engagement" are those with the biggest NUMBERs...
The stated objective of this little project being... push this channel until I reach 2,000 was set, more to establish a time line rather than to seek the NUMBER itself. SO yes, I'm driven to reach this number. Driven, primarily as I'd rather finish this off and focus on other things. How's it going? Well, it's going brilliantly actually; and here's why...
1) I've met the collolry objective of "dusting" off the tools in the old toolbox, and have given myself the good reason to explore new ones...
2) focussing on engagement in pursuit of the NUMBER has actually lead to near a dozen or so fair engagements and one true assignment; I'll nurture the former and pursue the latter with vigour
3) eh… the number is going up, weee! (I am a number-junkie after all, and as such, I enjoy counting by ones as much as 5s, 10s and 100Ks)
...here are some additional spin-offs.… ON K-redibility.
Funny how we're responding to Klout & Kred scores. These number are likely more important than, the count, the number itself - Yet we all publicly cringe at the mere mention of these scores, hide and/or hold them close. Is it modesty or is it simply we don't understand, trust or are just plain old ashamed of what we may have had to do to grow them? (More thinking on this K-redibility, is, in the works).
As a another spin-off benefit to this "it's not about the numbers" be less a shitty twitter'er project; my Klout and Kreds are going uppity-up. I guess that's only a good thing right. Maybe even more of a good thing when I'm actually allowed to wave 'em around, tattoo 'em on my resume and/or paste them to the footer of my "not a blog", site… whatever.
…and then, there are a few unexpected spin-offs by way of: Pinterest & Instagram (which, I'll get to later)
This is just a mid-streamer… In the original post, I mentioned my hope in my having my ah-ha moment, haven't yet. I'm simply suspending my mis-beliefs again; diving back into where I shouldn't have slinked out of; holding my nose and taking on this Twittering with a little more vigour and a, let's call it a renewed, bight and shiny attitude. I've reminded myself of how it's to be used. Re-learning can be as rewarding as learning after all. That said, sure I'm dusting off the old tools, but… indeed I've found some new ones too.
…and there'll be a lot more about this and that when I finally hit that 1/5th fraction of the damned NUMBER (my good friend) wants to see at the wrap of this adventure. (10,000/5 = yup, 2,000)
AND so... (my friends): If the sheer volume of my posts are annoying you… simply, work your lists better (I know, its not easy).