I love a good sales pitch. Some of my best ah-ha moments have come via some sales guy or gal pushing some this or that under my nose at exactly the right time. I have zero problem being pitched at; this wonderful world now provides me insanely useful tools to filter out and file pitches (almost automatically)…
Now here's the human part....
Let's say perhaps one in a hundred pitches (or less) hit me at that "exactly the right ah-ha moment"; another 56, 60, 70 are irrelevant and are immediately chucked into the cold as cold can get cold storage locker… the others; I rely on OPC. If you've ever pitched to me, (pitched me something that make my eyes sparkle) you likely have received one of the following replies:
• Cool, please set up a meeting
• I really like this, but now is not the time, put me in your rotation
• I really like this, but can't see a use at this time
...(or variations on the theme)
PLEASE, Sales guy! …live up to my expectation that you've been given use of one of the many good sales tools out there. Trust my honesty; IF you've not been filtered, please follow my instruction and put me on YOUR calendar for reconnection, I AM RELYING ON YOU. I may not be your hottest lead, but if you remind me to have… that, "another look", I likely will. You know, even better, remind me that I reminded you to remind me; contextual "touch 'n tag back" is a very powerful persuader.
NOW… if you get no reply, assume that chill you're feeling IS indeed the high powered refrigeration unit firing up in my coldest of cold storage locker, BUT don't give up. Keep trying… you never ever know, AND I never ever know when I might just start hankering for something I wasn't hankering for today.
I (heart) salespeople!!! <-- It's true.
(who else is gonna go out there and find me all this cool Schtuff!)