(click to read article at All Things D)
I'm not so certain that I (me, personally, me, as an avid and passionate Linked USER...) That is USER, not READER of Linkedin. Am I really all that happy with this development? Oh, I'm sure the ad sales team is happy, but honestly, over the last few months it has become harder and harder (OK, not really that hard) to find what it is I adore(d) about Linkedin...
For me and my daily, hourly constant USAGE of social, Linkedin has always been more than just a job board... "...move by LinkedIn to expand beyond being just a static resume service for recruiters and professionals." - Sure I scour the job posting, but just as much so to get a sense of what companies are planning by who they are looking to hire... But really, and most importantly, Linkedin is the nuance behind my contact management system.
How many times have you studied the profiles of the folks you were just about to step into a meeting with; when was the last time you didn't?
“We believe LinkedIn can be the definitive professional publishing platform — where all professionals come to consume content and where publishers come to share their content,”
LinkedIn SVP of product and user experience, Deep Nishar
Do I need another "definitive professional publishing platform"... Do I need Linkedin to consolidate all the things I'm already reading easily finding and consolidating on Scoop.it, Paper.li and Flipboard? - OR do I need a place to store and interact with... nuances?
Drama aside... the sky is not falling, and I guess Linkedin needs the revenue that this content (content, content and MORE content play) will generate; (over and above the fiddy bucks I give 'em each month). Have at it ad-boys, but I'll be gone if you bury the treasure I feel is/(was) Linkedin...
Simply the most focussed, useful, practical and tactical social site I almost cannot live without... (sniff) I hope I'm not going to miss you guys!