Along sides scrambling to land a gig with what easily could become the most important social platform EVER created (hyperbol justified)... I've been completely re-jigging my own social networking strategy. Changes are afoot.
Certainly, nothings going away; I'm not walking in circles carrying the "I'm leaving Facebook" placard... What's happened really is G+ has finally found it's legs. This has demanded a re-think how I approach, not only Facebook but Twitter (the stalwart), Linkedin and (amongst et al)
I had a little system going; had everything all synced and geared up on hootsuite and was able to broadcast my "words of encouragement" quite effortlessly and effectively.
G+ demands it be the center on this universe of mine.
I'm quite happy with this as its a vastly more rich system; brilliant tools. Seamless integration with my mobile device AND most importantly, 100% integrated with my google-enterprise operating system; ie, no separation between email, contact listings, goggle drive and the plethora of apps I've found (once again), indispensable.
SO, blogging... it's all taken a back seat once again... Wish me luck on the new gig; AND.... next you hear from me my name will most certainly be Gordon "google-borg" Gower. Resistance is not only futile, its f'n stupid :) CHEERS.