The other day, one of my more favorite bloggers, Joey DeVilla, an old (and dear) associate of mine posted another of his more clever blog posts to his… blog. Joey is definitely adept at keeping his various content feeds fresh n' lively and well, un-self-conscientiously comedic. I find myself chuckling along with at least more than half of the blog posts he post and often re-post them as content for my own feeds. I've been reading his particular schtick for close to 20 years now, and doubt I'll ever grow absolutely tired of it…
Joey's post was a well deserved back-handed slap at some, likely well meaning adver-twitterer who'd decided he'd simply up and break "The first rule of…" the social media marketeers own version of "…Fight Club"… FIRST RULE OF Klout Score… you get the picture…
Joey's post can be found here…
Joey's blog post focuses primarily on the central issue of "how utterly silly does one have to be to break the first rule of Klout Score."… What momentarily-mental hiccup of good sense must one suffer, not only speak of this score, but decide that a press release would be the appropriate mechanism for announcing that his score simply went from XX to XX+1 (pardon me for just a moment but I feel rather than eat my own words, I'll abide strictly to the rules already stated)… I immediately felt the twinge, a cringe similar to that Joey must have felt... then saw the whole affair for something it so obviously was; you know… This poor fella simply… ran out of somethings to say.
These days, running out of somethings to say is far more a tongue twisted problem than ever… How big the crisis…? How utterly unimaginable and horrible it must be knowing that your feeds have hit empty, your stream has run dry. You've momentarily been excluded from the cacophony... your clients and customers lost solely in the menacing grip of the messaging of your more crafty competitors… You have, all but... disappeared.
I do try to tread lightly around the content component of any social media marketing proposals I've chucked out there from time to time. It is certainly an important component, AND most certainly, if you can sell it properly, can be a beautifully blank check that can self-generate dozens of additional zeroes and create dozens of jobs simply on anxiety alone. But honestly, and experientially, we all know that this only blows back upon us. Even the most smartly budgeted, scheduled and paced content strategy is going to run out of steam one day; maybe two days or even more days in a row. Let's not even touch the numbers of likes, shares & plusses, needed to validate even the flushest of day when our clients have topped up the babble-pipes properly… that day when it dawns on our client that even the steadiest of streams is being read no less than by half of the folks than the number of the good people in their employ who they can see if they just glance out of their glass office door…
…pace and persistency may be a fool heartedly dangerous pitch to propose except for those courageous enough to trade perhaps quality for quantity, but hopefully not meaning and purpose, for... Meaningfulness of message… Quality of voice… Substance AND style wrapped in an evergreen package… Should work.
Of course "filler" is fine, but if filler is all that there is, that'll get noticed right off the bat. Is your customer's business even suited? If mom and pops haven't done something different for 25 years, is there anything there (outside a possibly epic episodic recounting and retelling of how wondrous these 25 years have been and why they've not had to change… a thing.) Indeed, there's good and bad content everywhere, but forcing it upon them is like force feeding the monster no? As it's quite well known that an over-forced fed monster can only want… more, and then some.
OH AND speaking of more... As always (if not recently), there will be more on this from little old me! You should know this by now… after all, It's an old horse I like flogging AND I do have my own content monster to be fed, and more story-time sales nightmares of my own to be shared...
Hello dear friend(s)
Please don't mistake the complete lack of content rolling off these pages these last few months as my having nothing to say. I got busy with a project, then went away, then got hit with sad news then got busy again… I simply fell out of my own slow-paced sync. No worries over "nothing to see here, lets move along"... we're now into the fall and my own little squirrel cheeks feel full enough to start spitting these last few months of nutty notions and ideas back at you.
Wish me luck, as there is always a chance of further distractions… But I'm banking on a most recent moment of inspiration to get me over any future humps n bumps and stinky old burps from (you know who…)
Whether this is a good thing or not… well, we'll let the monster decide.