I've added a little spin to this and extra day, thanking my most engaging(est) interactors the following day on oh good gracious, not good... "Grat-urday" - I get up, caffinate then sit to gather up and grab all those folks on the week's "connect" listing... (I settled on grat-urday as an "own invention", it was an independent thought, but most certainly I know it's NOT a unique notion, nor an original undertaking - in all fairness, and for creative-commons copyrighting purposes, it was as much a guttural reactions to my disdain for cute n' cuddly cats and kittens).
Grat-urday has proven to be an even more risky-business; the folks in logarithmics-gymnaticlike-department like to shake their fists at my thanking people who may not be my followers. I grit my teeth and carry-on, sally forth and charge up the mountain of grateful-goofballed-goodliness, all the same.
AND... here's a whole-hearted key to all this. Regardless of how pat-silly, contrived or alteriorly-motivated it appears to be; undertake these tasks with a genuine-osity in your heart! Breath in once or twice AND fear not to be seriously gratuitously goofy when going about the task of thanking your new friends for following along and/or interacting with even the remotest of seeming interest in what you just said... Be happily thankful for each new-old buddy a pals and even our oh-so-serious business connections.
If done properly, well then you've just sealed a bit of your own friendly-fate. You've assigned two days of these seven were, for even just the mere minutes it takes to undertake... you've put some real thoughtful effort towards that most contagious of wonderful human... is it an emotion (?) - genuine gratitude... goes along way and is an extra-essential part of being well... social! - Happy Follow Friday, and we'll see you tomorrow at the Grat-urday picnic... good folks! :-)
So... this blog post has spawned a bit of a project... I'll wrote more about it, for now... click to visit the GoGo Gratitude Project |