At the risk of sounding totally gushing, I sometimes forget that they essentially re-invented search AND defined how one advertises over the internet… I forget this, even as a fella who has at times sat in front of google adwords for months, years at a stretch…
It's without any bravado, nor fools pride that I mention my having sat in front of and been submersed in all this stuff for some better or worse part of 20 plus years; in many ways this has hurts my approach to "earning" in this space as a market as much as it's helped. Many times I've lost an edge, simply as I could not understand how anyone could not see these (now called) social networks simply being analogous with what we used to call, the "real world."
By no means are these networks my entire "real world", I enjoy touching and breathing on people as much as the next fella, but they are so ingrained and imprinted on me that simply, they are as integral a part of my own "real world" as any "place" else. I've stopped making a distinction, stopped explaining myself and apologizing for my involvement… they've simply become as fundamental as… any "thing" else. Perhaps this begs the question, could I survive without these networks, the inputs and the relationships I've developed over them? Certainly. I also believe that given the right vollyball, I would likely survive for a time alone on a desert island somewhere out there in the (real)-"real world" (actually, I've always told people I'd need a volleyball, a copy of excel and a copy of illustrator, all set)…
Get on with it and how about that first review of Google+ already, and admittedly about a year or two after any review of Google+ warrants any attention at all…
Each and every one of these networking tools, these successful implementations of "community" over the internets have a valid purpose for me; both as an internet business person (I've been called too many things, by way too many groups of young people over the ions)… AND as a human (there is a difference apparently). MySpace and Fark were able to draw what, at the time were relative hordes of "real" people into these online communities I'd been involved in for years. - For those who were not there, honestly this was all in motion within these little walled enclaves called BBSs for about a decade or more before you arrived and/or were born. No judgement, just context. MySpace and Fark were not giant leaps forward in anything other than design and, how you say "comfortable-invited-ness". Obviously you cannot deny that they appeared just as the IPs were loosening up cost of full-on hard-core high-speed access for about the third iteration… The migration to, and explosion of Facebook was no big surprise, Facebook is… a world changing success story. When the folks at Facebook finally sorted out how they were gonna manage my pictures, even a fifth as well as Flickr, the die was cast, my you know what's were simply in their tight little grip…
…this isn't a history lesson. We all know what happened; the explosion of tools, 3rd party features, some rolled into Facebook, others made to work through the exquisite development of APIs that allowed these separate tools to interact, enhance each of the other through this… inter-functional-connectivity-suite. AND herein lay a big part of the frightening wonderfulness of Google+.
We all sat there staring at G+, alone, for years, waiting for it something, to happen. Every time Mr. Zuckerberg erred on the side of "he's such a baby goof-tard" we clicked open G+, pouted and lamented, where are my friends? OR, we spent an afternoon bitching to everyone and no one on twitter, or looked at pictures (or, egads, worked). Then…
Then... about just over two years ago, totally frustrated with the solid brick walls of Apple's closed garden closing further and further in upon me; I switched… Jumped headlong into gmail AND Google Enterprise as a foundation for my oh-so-mini-micro-enterprise solution. Total sweetness this; plus zero learning curve given its invention by the folks whose adwords system I'd sat in front of for months, years at time…
Then… I changed my attitude slightly, lamented the days of MySpace's wonderful emphasis on meeting new people over Facebook's dogged requirements not to bug people you do not know… I forced myself back onto to twitter (for the umpteenth time) in search of… New people (I also did some naughty things with one of my, hmmm... dum dee dum alternate Facebook accounts) that got me back into full swing of "damn I love this place"… (yes, I admit it has been love vs hate for years; isn't that the sign of a healthy…)
Then… almost in gang-style unison, my whole new-crew jumped headlong, two feet first onto G+
Google+ is frightening because… and remember, this is a first review folks; here is the skinny. Applying basic ancient attitudes and the attraction of meeting new people; you find yourself in the seemingly ever growing universe of Google, forget for the fact it so seamlessly integrates with the Google/Chrome/Android world we may already be living in… As the API system seems to implode upon itself in the Post social-IPO world of separate entities who need to constantly stroke the penisis over at Goldman Sachs; Google+ simply offers up all the elements of twitter, pinterest, instagram and… all an integrated tools, incorporating all useful methodologies for doing business, all this, simply built in (still no check from Google in my mailbox)… And, I guess that's why it's frightening.
After this last year, I find myself using my other networks less and less. At times it feels the only reason I'm posting on these other networks is to half-heartedly maintain a decent Klout Score (first rule of Klouts Score… oops)…
So upon first, late, better tardy than ever review; I only have one more opening slavo-esq question to ask (myself)… Do I really want to dive headlong into a system that encompasses so much of my "real world" that is wholly owned and operated by one company that may very well be the CIA, the NSA or simply apparatchik of US Government Inc.? - I guess, this raises the speculation… do I have any choice in this matter at all?
Until next time, next review (wherein I may actually describe how I use the damned thing)... Hey, Edward are those Soviet pierogi all they're cracked up 'n better than Polish pierogi I've been told they'd be? AND Can you help me out here, toss me some insights into you-know-who here?