So, after a few days of use, I've found Facebook Home to be the nice simple (iPhone-esq) launcher I was hunting for when I first switched to Android a few months back. I can certainly understand why it's getting such poor reviews on the Playstore; simple, it runs counter to the typical, gee-gosh-golly look what I can get my Android phone to do crowd.
Really though, why not. I no longer have to choose my home or background images, I let my pals do that for me. It does guide you twoards using Facebook more, but I use Facebook all the time so, who cares. Access to other important apps is ready and easy; easier actually as the layout is far more simplified (I'm happy to abandoned widgets). One bit of weirdness, the lack of a "tray" for most my used apps... this is either typical confounding FB hootspa (or stupidity, you pick).