Damn if I didn't even leave myself clues all around the darned place. Clues to remind myself that I had NO, zero un-intent of keeping this regularly up-to-dated. No expectations that this would have to stay fresh, no schedule no demands resulting in only sad-forced, laboured and ultimately boring commentary… on drivel.
I can do boring drivel without a schedule.
So… January, what have you done? In between moments of anxiety, feeling I wasn't doing much at all, I rebounded from the hit that is always "the holidays"; sure, did a little re-charging and came up with a few new ideas, notions and a few more opinions. I've struggled a bit to resuscitate an older project and participated in the awkward birth of another; we'll see how either of these bastard-brats develop over the balance of the year.
Someone once spoke these words to me... "you must have a million ideas for this medium…" Well, I don't really, I mean, I don't have a million of those really important ideas, you know, how to use social to… hail a cab for $32 million dollars, send abbreviated msgs & pics to each and everyone everywhere, all the time for billions, or say… lift your spirits at a moments notice... I just could never be that, mindful.
I do have a couple ideas around body & mind, and or mind & body… Could these make piles of cash for my yet to be non-existant investors and land me on the Mashably-monumental pedestal of mediocre and momentary fame? Doubt it… but… I've found that working, working them hard and in detail does keep me working on all this, this here what, remains of... social. These ideas do keep me thinking of thing; about my projects and, all this thinking does help me keep thinking about… yours.
So… January, let's call it a respite, a breather for the mind & the body. Back at it full speed and with a key concept back in hand: "this" will remain, left totally un-up-to-dated, and hmmm… Of mind & body? ...once again, the soul will just have to return to the back seat.
Happy New Year, all the same and... finally.