In all seriousness; WHAT is your website? AND, when is your website?
Perhaps your your website an Island in the stream? Your collection of goo in the torrent of Facebook posts, tweets, instagrams blog posts, email even? It just sits there. ...sits there.
Your blob of goo, sitting there; in the stream... your Island in the stream.
So, do you really think someone, 'surfing' that stream is actually going to stop? Have a look? And, if they do stop and have a look, do you really think they're going to stay? Are you, is your business really THAT special? - I doubt it.
Yup, its your island in the stream... hundred of millions of folks are racing by every nano-second; you've put up a flag, attempted notice... look at me, this is my island in the stream and these are my shiny things. Come over here and take a look. Honestly, what are your expectations? Whatis your focus, your intent... Why on earth would do you want someone to stop? You really want to pull one of these folks off the stream (where they appear to be having, oh, just so much fun)... you really want to pull them over to your island in the stream, tie their jet ski to your dock? Have them "stop" and do, what exactly? Read all of your "About me" page?
Have you completely lost your mind?
Outside of taking a quick look at that big new arch-ee-tect designed house, maybe the flashy cars in the garage, your jetski, boat, whatever... who gives a rat's crap about all that GOO you've collected and set up on your little island in the stream... "What are you offering"? Nothing? Gotta go... go have fun on the stream.
You think you have a good story? A pretty picture? ...a Product? ...a Service? There are a bazillion products and millions of people offering these same services on billions of islands dotted all over this stream; many with much bigger, more shinier arch-ee-tech designed houses... much more enthralling "All About ME" pages...
So, eventually, you will come to realize, you are pathetic. You, sitting there on your Island in the stream, not that unique, that product; that service just another choice amongst millions.
Sell the Island, move back to the city? - I would never suggest anything so drastic...
I would however suggest... STOP focussing on your damned Island. Sure keep it neat and tidy. Spruce it up every now and again; better yet plant a garden and change it with every season, plant a few perennials, a couple of annuals... That big old arch-ee-tech house? Be honest now, the minute you moved in, it felt wrong, didn't it? It really didn't quite fit. That big o'l house... forget it, buy a nice tent. When you tire of it, pitch another.
For now, and to wrap this at a point... FOCUS ON THE STREAM... figure out what exactly it is you want people to DO if they visit your island in the stream; my guess, you want them to BUY something, OR at the very least become prepared to BUY something.
Focus on the stream, get out there... pull that boat of yours off the dock, get out there and start talking to folks. Bring your message to them, show it to them... HECK, bring your product and your service with you; they might just buy it OUT THERE, on the stream.
Oh sure, invite them back to your little island in the stream; invite them to a nice dinner, show them around your library. If they sit for a while, relax and read, this is NEVER a bad thing, but this is NOT a business model.
Come on, they way you're set up now, really the chance of your being noticed is remote... AND even if you do get noticed the chance of anyone getting off their jetski long enough to get past your "All about ME" sign, and into the one room you want them to actually visiti in that big ol' arch-ee-tect home of yours... 0.000000000001% conversion...
[BO] eventually, more POINTS to be made:
1) Your website is merely a moment in your digital strategy
2) Focus on the whole, not the bits and pieces
3) Aggressively sell, don't sit on your Island flashing semaphore message out into the stream
4) Get out on the stream, engage your customer... tag them in the stream.
5) Oh sure, invite them to your Island in the stream; but really, when they get there offer them two things...