.it begins. here. ...the front page. This is traditionally where a majority of business consultants give you their more or less buttoned down, out of the box, plain paper pitch; their service listing; how they are dedicated to planning, strategy and how their sound methodology will lend itself to addressing your business needs...
ME... I simply do not see the upside to making it that easy for you; because, as I hope you find through all of this... It is quite simple, just not that easy. I am absolutely confident in my competency, less in my ability to visually organize the various concepts and notions within these pages; but most definitely in my ability and tenacity to ensure you and I HIT on that one, maybe even those HOT ideas, that key concept that'll make your product or service work... within the realms of, social. For assistance in sorting out the messages expressed on these pages, please contact the gogo consulting customer service facility at: [email protected], OR call the "I'd like your help" line at (647) 920-5445. In the meantime, I leave you here, on your own, with a few thoughts... please, feel free to chew upon all this, at your leisure. view in portrait mode for optimal enjoyment......and please refere to the about page for a more expanded insight into this "navigational madness"...
There REALLY IS no such thing as social media marketing
after all, isn't ALL MARKETING... SOCIAL?
(I Believe in china, they simply call chinese food... food)
current-est of projects...
...the link above leads to my other site, www.gogoconsulting.com, a listing of stuff I have on the go(go)... which is at this time woefully out of date and a bit behind schedule...
Step right up and see...a NO smoke mirrors, marketing methodology... an series of uncomplicated notions on how one might get things done. For certain, NOT without its implied great big chunk of work, effort and ideation, but simply, thoughts on how e, might, get this done... Yes, eventually you will find a direct and specific pitch in all of this, an immediate answer to the question, why hire this gogo guy... for now; peck and poke around these pages... the answer is in here somewhere; and perhaps, although I gaurantee nothing, I am certain you will find one thing in here of some use to you...
when i was growing up... INTERACTIVITY was engagement
engagement = interaction*These pages below are meant to provide a dolup of scope... They (will eventually) include summarized in industry speak, 'white papers' covering a number of projects I've started, pitched for or... proposals I have drafted for customers. Others show the preliminary work done for presentations, things I've cobbled together for contracts. Some of these stories below are simply, plain old "out of my own interest" reviews of marketing practices I feel could WORK; and commentaries on marketing strategies I believe do NOT WORK. - All of this is more or less designed to give yo a sense of what to expect... or dread when working with me.
Marketing is NOT simple, its actually very simple... And I do hope this notion becomes more clear as you rifle through the following pages... I'll offer a quick apology that so many pieces are so unfinished. These things DO take time. And I would hope you agree that I am certainly, allowed an opinion... And, I remind you to take note of the footer on each page of this site... Being wrong is the very FIRST step towards getting things absolutely... RIGHT... so, onward. *and if you'd like to get serious about ENgagement...
PART ONE: a starting point? A strategy? a philosophy? Or, just a damned good reason to get out of bed AND WORK every morning!please let's focus on. Simplicity... (simply, making money)
Things to consider when considering the use of social in your organization...
Why would you ever even consider that your business in NOT simple? Why would you want to work with someone who intimates that all this is complicated? Difficult yes, painstaking and particular, but, it's NOT complicated. If you don't really understand what the heck they're talking about, nod as if you do as you walk them towards the door. What is the ONE thing you want most each day you cross the threshold of your office, and arrive at your desk? Who is the one person in your organization who can go out and get that for you. Can you tell me this? It would seem that's this is the person we need to get in on this meeting... right now. This is not a road sign... It's a device that offers the driver road-side piece of mind; "we are headed in the right direction and we really don't have that much farther to go." [BS]
Part TWO: we've all wondered, at least once, could we have done better?... I've given up the notion of doing better... so here are some thoughts on doing things differently, maybe a bit more succesfully...I've had the unique opportunity to examine the social presence of a number of companies; prepare for or make a pitch. Staring something is one of the more fun parts of any project... Here's where I'd start with... [BS] through [BO]
Can Sun Life Financial (brighter life.ca) see the light; harness the power of the folks that own the relationship with their customer? [BO]
When doing good works one has licence to BE BOLD... especially when your product comes with a HUGE and healthy, heaping helping of JOY! [BO]
This project brought me closer to the politics of Mayor Michael Bloomberg than I every would have expected... I don't have a clue what they will end up doing... Sadly, I just can't shake the feeling, they'll do it somewhat incorrectly, when, them doing it right would be so good for so many little ones... [BS]
I wonder if our old friends Mama & Papa would be agreeable to the idea of focussing on the moms & pops and shape themselves more like the old mom & pop's we used to enjoy? [BS]
PART THREE: I have but two simple questions... well, to be truly honest, I have thousands, but lets start with the important ones...(there on the next page...) - But again, and truly, honestly, why not just drop me a line. Pass me an email, describe your pain, your objectives; the marks you feel you are missing... [BO]
Privacy Policy in the works: For now, simply, I will NOT bombard you with email & I will NOT share your information with anyone. If you were to grow tired of this and the things I may send you, and I really cannot imagine why, I will take you OFF my list.
Of course... you can find me pretty much every elsewhere... ...I always enjoy having new followers on Twitter and contacts at LinkedIn! And I really do enjoy following good folks with great ideas!