Am I a Christian?
Just another fleeting opinion, posted to Facebook...

Funny this... I mean, it's hard for me to deny my Christianity. Everything I know is born of Judeo-Christian beliefs. Born into a non-practicing white anglo saxon protestant, Anglican family in a predominantly WASPy community... in a country that was founded on, and dependent of a mother country that is another Judeo-Christian society... I mean, what else do I know, really?
Am I practicing? Well no, but when I consider my own spirituality it is almost impossible for me to disassociate myself from my Christian context. I guess I could try like other to learn, then more or less pretend to adopt practices from other faiths, but why bother? When you peel back the rigamoral in all these faiths, you kind of end up with the exact same principles... except for maybe the cutting off of people of other faith's heads... I guess.
I like the sentiments expressed in this piece. For the most part I agree with the basic principals of Christianity... Hey it sure was a helpful set of guidelines used to pull western civilization out of the muck-n-myre of the moral relativism that was say Rome... and has been a pretty positive force in growing our civil and political systems, at least since the reformation (as I understand it).
If you've ever bothered to take a peek, My "religion" here on FaithBook was always set to "Thank God I am an Atheist"... a bit of a joke... over the last few years, that's been tweaked to "Thank God I am an Atheist who can still thank God from time to time"... and now "Thank God I am an Atheist who thanks god each morning and evening"... I mean, really... how could that possibly hurt?
If any of this offends you, I can only ask... why?
Am I practicing? Well no, but when I consider my own spirituality it is almost impossible for me to disassociate myself from my Christian context. I guess I could try like other to learn, then more or less pretend to adopt practices from other faiths, but why bother? When you peel back the rigamoral in all these faiths, you kind of end up with the exact same principles... except for maybe the cutting off of people of other faith's heads... I guess.
I like the sentiments expressed in this piece. For the most part I agree with the basic principals of Christianity... Hey it sure was a helpful set of guidelines used to pull western civilization out of the muck-n-myre of the moral relativism that was say Rome... and has been a pretty positive force in growing our civil and political systems, at least since the reformation (as I understand it).
If you've ever bothered to take a peek, My "religion" here on FaithBook was always set to "Thank God I am an Atheist"... a bit of a joke... over the last few years, that's been tweaked to "Thank God I am an Atheist who can still thank God from time to time"... and now "Thank God I am an Atheist who thanks god each morning and evening"... I mean, really... how could that possibly hurt?
If any of this offends you, I can only ask... why?