It’s kinda like when when my Yankee’s signed A-Rod; good numbers at bat, OK fielding, BUT… he’s a stinkin' prima-donna-pretty-boy, a whining C H E A T E R. He’s cheated on the field, he’s cheated on his wife (the love of his life?) He likely even, praise be, cheated on the Madonna… I was never happy that he was added to our team; at such a cost, oh such a cost…
That said, I don’t judge a team by it’s so-called best, better yet, top most paid player. Just as I’d not have you judge my country of Canada by it’s Prime Minister, I’ll not judge the greatest of nations, the nation of friends on it’s choices, good or bad in who is to serve the puppet masters as Presidenté.
ON THIS DAY July 4th - I simply say… BE INDEPENDENT! - I beg you!
The declaration we celebrate today is in my humblest of opinions simply the last most recent, most important step forward for mankind; don't step backwards… BE INDEPENDENT, don’t let the Madison Avenue scum-bags spin their yarns that makes you trust these THUGS you liked a day or two ago. Don’t get lost in your own older choices, don’t hold yourself to it… you’re obliged to “evolve”… Think about it.
You know I love each and everyone of you so-called Republican’s, you declared Democrats, free-wheelin’ Libertarian Tea-totin’ TeaNuts and all you oh so progressive… Collectivist-Hippies. I love each and everyone of you who has looked past the clutter of the casual meme of the day and expressed some form of personal opinion on this and/or that; bitch-screamed, yelled… heck even whined a bit… Proves functionality, your warranty’s intact. THINK INDEPENDENTLY!
BE even MORE INDEPENDENT, don’t settle, find time in your busy day to sit back, take a good long questioning American look at what was just said and be willing to say, BULLSHIT, it’s only ever half right left of center. STAY FREE of mind, and don’t let those who want you to be lazy, treat you to the comforting comfort of your own good god damned (even if it is deserved) laziness… YES you CAN have only one potato chip, it’s YOUR choice, not theres!
I pledge you ONE thing as a lover of America with an American son; I will NEVER let this son of mine see his birthright as a some sort of free pass, ticket or free-lunch. Wherever we bring him up, he will be taught that he has NO right to live in his homeland unless he’s willing to contribute… at least half as much as his mother has contributed in pursuit of her own cherished citizenship. He will be told not only to LOVE America, but know WHY he loves America, as both his Mother and Father do (for exceptionally different yet absolutely similar reasons I might add)…
Of course, we will leave up to him to come up with his own reasons why he Love’s America. We’ll give him a fair start, leave him on his own… Leave him to his own gosh-given INDEPENDENT notions… as to why he loves the country he’s a yet-to-be-earned citizen of.
Gloriously gushing RANT. OFF, enjoy your (our human) INDEPENDENCE DAY. Celebrate it… then get back out there on (Monday) and get back to work or what ever you love doing… This Monday, get back to earning this INDEPENDENCE of (y)ours.
I LOVE YOU! - Now... WAKE UP please!